Carolina Patchworks

The 2012 State of the Scraps Report

Posted on by in Fabric

The last time I showed a full-out picture of scrap buckets was after sorting them so I could sew up the projects for Scrap Republic. While I didn’t write the book just to get rid of scraps, I must say it was a nice plus!

Where are we, almost exactly two years later, in terms of the Carolina Patchworks scraps?


It only got worse.

The February 21, 2010 buckets contained 102.3 pounds in the buckets.

The February 20, 2012 buckets contained a whopping 152.5 pounds. I had to check my math on that one. Wowzers.


Blue is the winner — coming in at a mega 28lbs 11oz! Orange (which I actually do like!) had the least at 4lbs 13oz. And humorously, 9lbs 7oz of leftover pixels. That’s after sewing the quilt.

That weight does not include the random cuts of yardage which have officially been declared scrap. Those are now taking up an entire bookshelf. (blurry pic, it’s dark today!) It was in one or two of those cubes when I wrote the book.


It could be condensed some, but then it ends up a mess when I try to find something. And sadly, it will grow too.

On that note, I’m going to go sew some scraps together — a scrap version of the yet-to-be-released-or-named No. 061.

7 thoughts on “The 2012 State of the Scraps Report”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Wow. Scrap Republic II?

  2. Hee Hee! Now that our scrap book is due out I feel like I have MORE scraps than when we started.

  3. Leah says:

    Wow! That’s lots of scraps!

  4. Brandy M. says:

    I love the “bundles of color” created by your scraps!! They look so cheerful!


  5. Tamie says:

    I could help relieve you of some of those scraps as there are several quilts in your book I’d love to try.

  6. Anita says:

    Long live the scraps!

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