Carolina Patchworks


Posted on by in Fabric

I’ve been working on cleaning up and organizing my workroom after a couple crazy months. One of yesterday’s projects was scrap management (snort, that sounds hilarious, but with the amount I sew, it’s a really big issue).  I try to not waste fabric but no matter how hard you try, scraps are just a part of sewing.


Top row (l to r): pink, red, orange, yellow
Middle row: green, brown/black/grey, purple, to random to actual sort plus silk and flannel
Bottom row: white, blue, selvedges

The small buckets are 30qt (16.8″ x 13.3″ x 11.3″) and the large buckets are 71 qt (23.3″ x 18.7″ x 12.3″).

Not pictured: the random 1/4-1 yard cuts that have no real use anymore… you know when all the other fabrics from that collection are gone and you still have a large cut of one print left?

It totals 119.8 pounds (102.3 in buckets, 17.5 in random cuts) .

One yard of quilting cotton is about 4.5 ounces.

My calculator tells me that if I put all these scraps edge to edge that would total 425.95 yards.  I hope I did the math wrong on that. I really, really hope I did the math wrong.

I wonder what I can make with all that.  Hmmm…

(and this doesn’t include my guesstimate of over *400* pounds on my fabric shelves… I hope Sean doesn’t read this…)

8 thoughts on “119.8”

  1. Vickie E says:

    Oh Emily, we are all in the same ‘boat’ with scraps. I think it is awesome that you have them divided by color. I can see some awesome one color scrap quilts! will you be at spring market this year?

  2. emily says:

    I will be at market. yay! I’m super excited. 🙂

  3. jaybird says:

    oh dear! i’m afraid to open my scrap bins and organize them by color!!

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emily cier.

quilts. color. fun. life. seattle.


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